The Kachina, A Pueblo Indian deified ancestral spirit watching over ceremonial dances of the Harvest Festival and celebrating the Ancestors.

$43.60 $54.50

This beautiful vessel is over 6" wide and 5" tall depicting three (3) Kachinas praying over mother earth with a bountiful corn harvest erupting from her bosom. The colors are rich and the lines distinct as the three deified spirits call on the ancestors to grant them a fruitful harvest. The obverse side of this outstanding gourd you see e great eagle, the symbol of strength, protection, and connection to the spirit world granting a spirit filled watch over the planting. The Eagle is a significant symbol In Pueblo Indian culture, representing Power, a necessary combination in the annual harvest. The diverse colors shown on the side feathers and the top feathers of the Kachinas Headdress represent the four seasons in a culture with strong beliefs in myth.

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