
Small Shop - BIG STORY !

I've been tinkering with Gourds for over 20 years. I find myself intrigued beyond help by the incredible uses of these plant items and the vast variety of these millennial utensils. I find that to modify these into a 20th century piece of art is fascinating and extremely desirable.

My first interest is in the artwork of Ted DeGrazia, an infamous artist from Tucson, Arizona.  An incredible man and artist in my opinion. In addition for the Mexican - Sonoran Desert environment and the Indigenous cultures living there I am a huge follower of the Native American People and their history in the 4-Corners area including Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado and Utah. What a fascinating and rich historical story of the Anasazi, Pueblo, Zuni, Hopi, Navajo and various other tribes.

I feel much of my art and skill is due to my background as an Engineer. I insist on near perfection, being meticulous, particular and unforgiving to a fault, but accuracy and reality are a true goal.

You can also find my gourd art on the Display at the Mason Wildlife Museum in Logan, Utah. 


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